Monday, August 15, 2016

Cover-Pools automatic pool cover rope replacement

Cover-Pools rope repair
So my pool cover rope ripped. Should be simple to repair or replace? Think again. Not simple. Cannot be repaired. Needs to be replaced. Some pool covers have ropes that bolt into the leading edge assembily, not the Cover-Pools Save-T3. The torn rope has to be cut out of the pool cover and a new rope sewn in. This would not be so bad if it didn't have to be done with the pool cover installed. Instead of using a sewing machine, an awl is used by hand.
The problem:

Items needed
The replacement rope: from eBay Automatic swimming pool cover replacement rope-Sew in style
Seam ripper:

Here is a video showing how to sew in the replacement rope with a sewing machine, you get the general idea.

This is how the awl is used:

OK, so you are not intimidated by a little work. 

Here is my VIDEO:

Here are the steps:

1. remove the 4 bolts attaching the leading edge bar to the glider and the corner of the pool cover fabric. See photo showing the leading edge bar detached.
2. Measure and cut out damaged rope and webbing. Use new webbing to figure out where to make the cut. Use the seam ripper to detach the webbing that is to be removed.

3. Slide the new webbing and rope into position so that the new rope is touching the old rope. Make sure that everything is even before you start sewing. Use clamps to hold the webbing in place.
3. Sew in the new webbing with the awl.
4. Remove the old rope from the track and pulley.
5. Run the new rope through the track starting from the retracted cover end, down the track on the pool side, around the end pulley, and then back the track to the winch. Wrap it around the winch spool.
6. Make sure both ropes have equal tension. Then test the cover and make sure it works.


  1. Alan, thank you for the Information. What type of thread should I get to sew on? Can I buy replacement rope from hardware store or must I buy the 400 dollar replacement rope kit from cover pools?

  2. The OEM rope is 8.1mm / 5/16th with a 4,500 lbs tensile strength. You should only replace with similar rope. 5/16 nylon rope is only rated for 2,300 lbs.

  3. What type of rope is it? Solid Braid Polyester?

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  5. I have the same pool cover system and am having some problems. Our ropes have broken 3 times within 6 weeks. The last time they broke within 36 hours of the company putting in new ropes. On their last visit the company took the screw out of the end cap; then when the rope broke, the end cap popped off and the lead bar pulled on one side and has now ripped my cover beyond repair. Two different technicians from this company told me that the problem is with the installation - tracks were installed wrong, so ropes rub against another part and fray. When I called owner of company he said that tech didn't know what he was talking about and that the problem is with me and the way I'm closing the cover. I've called out 2 other pool companies and they said it was installed wrong and they won't work on it cuz they don't want to be looped into the liability chain.
    No one will provide me anything in writing. And now I'm stuck with original company (who was the installer) who just wants to keep putting in new ropes and blame me for the operation. That does not seem like a good solution because my ropes will just continue to break.
    I'm trying to educate myself on the proper installation of the covers so I can have the knowledge to argue with the pool company and/or if it is going to require legal action know that I have a good case.
    I've looked online and can't find any information on the installation of this cover to confirm that they installed it incorrectly. However, looking at your video I can see the difference (my tracks are on the side of the pool on the tile, not on the coping). I contacted Cover Pools for help and they said I need to deal with the local vendor (the company that installed it and are blaming me). Sounds like you know what you are talking about on these covers. I'm wondering if I sent you a couple pictures of my cover, tracks, etc., if you could tell me what the problem is; it's hard to argue with the company when I don't have the knowledge/background in this area.
    Any suggestions/help would be appreciated.

  6. So glad to see we are not the only ones who have to deal with this! Same thing here. Rope breaks at least once a season. Pool company just says its how we operate the cover. I operate it just like they told me to & I go over this with them every time it breaks to make sure I'm doing it right. I'm trying to figure it out myself because I'm tired of being blamed & charged each year. Good luck to you!
